الموضوع: Why not cover your modesty
عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 02-01-2011, 08:31 PM
الصورة الرمزية الطامعة في رضا ربها
الطامعة في رضا ربها الطامعة في رضا ربها غير متواجد حالياً
( إِنَّ مَعِيَ رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ )

Smile Eighth dubiosity

Eighth dubiosity:
Covering up means the prevention of make-up and elegant dresses
This one also falls under the categories of whims and desires rather than a dubiosity. The Question that comes to mind immediately when faced with this desire: To whom do you want to wear make-up, elegant dresses, and turn yourself into a dazzling display?
If the answer was, I wear my make-up to beautify myself, so that everybody would admire my figure and beauty.
Do you accept EVERYBODY staring at your beauty?
Do you accept to be a piece of merchandise examined by the mean and the noble?
Do you accept to hand over your body to the eyes of the human wolves to feast upon?
Do you accept to be THAT cheap?
If you do, then you should know that Allah, the All-High, does not accept, and He considers you much more precious than what you consider yourself.
Dearest sister, if you are beautifying yourself for your husband, or your women friends, then that is acceptable by our religious standards. However you should remember that the modesty of women in front of other women is from the navel to the knees.
A practical example
Dearest Sister: Visualize in your mind’s eye how the client examines a product which he/she wants to purchase. When he is satisfied, he asks the saleman to give him a brand new one which has never been used before. Contemplate this carefully, and you will realize how precious you are in the balance of Allah and in the eyes of men when you cover up what Allah ordered you to hide.

رسالتي في الحياة :

سأطوّر نفسي باستمرار
من أجل خدمة الإسلام والمسلمين
وسأسخّر التقنية في مجال دعوة الآخرين

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